I have been very excited to write this post to share some of the great upcoming articles and photos Chris and I have planned for Photo Basecamp in 2018. We have been on a number of amazing trips recently, both locally in our home countries of Australia and America, but also further afield including some incredible explorations in Europe including London, Paris and throughout Austria.

Chris and I started Photo Basecamp because both travel and photography are our passions. Even though we haven’t been everywhere, or profess to be experts in the field, we wanted to share this passion and hopefully along the way inspire and entice others to pick up their cameras, create amazing images and, along with us, continue to improve in our photographic hobby.

In 2017 we built and launched Photo Basecamp and wrote a lot of articles. Initially, the site was going to be fully subscription based, but we quickly realized we wanted to share this content freely and thus to a much wider audience. It was the lack of real information online as to exactly where a photo was taken that spurred us on to make this site, so we didn’t want to hide it behind a paywall. We also wanted to make sure that when we started to share our creation that there was already a wealth of content for people to discover and for us to build upon.

With that now in place we will continue to not only add many more locations (with a particular focus on more spots within Europe, Asia and the US National Parks), but also more reviews. Reviews on gear including lenses and printers, more tutorials and behind-the-scenes features describing the stories, as well as, the post-processing behind our images. We are also looking forward to a new section to be launched soon on photographers that inspire us, their books and interviews.

There is one other major development that I am very happy and excited to announce; I will be starting a local chapter of The Leica Meet here in Los Angeles! The intention is to meet up and regularly connect with photographers shooting with Leica gear, where we will go out and take photos together, grab a coffee and review and constructively critique each others work. Much more information will be coming soon so look out for a featured post on the home page.

However, with all this looking forward and at the coming of the new year, I find it natural to look back at the year just past. At the end of each year I like to create a little retrospective of my favorite images. I feel that this serves a number of purposes; firstly, to see how my work has progressed. I like to review where I have been and set new goals in areas where I feel my work is lacking. This really helps to give me a focus for the new year of not just snapping away more photos, but the types of projects and things I need to be more aware of or learn more about whilst taking these images.

Secondly, I love to print photos. Both in my work as an Animator and in photography, my world has become digital. Animation is now all CG and much like my photography, it all lives in the computer. Before, you had the drawings and the prints on paper. There was a physical product, something you could hold in your hands. I miss this.

So each year a create a book of images from the previous year and I pick photos that I believe pass the “would my wife and I want to hang this in our house” test, and then print them up BIG 🙂

So with that in mind, I have chosen 30 images from the last year and included a small comment or explanation for each. As this post has already gotten very long, I will break it into two parts.

To be continued in Part Two!
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