Thirty years ago, an excessively large footed British expat became friends with a cartoon loving Aussie when they quickly bonded on a high school camping trip to Central Australia. Sharing a tent and each other’s candy stash, they hatched a plan to wake before sunrise and hike to a little known lookout. It was not where they photographed Ayres Rock on disposable cameras as the sun came up, but it was where their passion was formed…

Many years later, and now half a world apart, Chris and Mike’s friendship has stayed just as strong, along with their love of travel and photography. Chris’ work allows for multiple trips to the US where Mike now lives, and Mike continues to visit Australia on a fairly regular basis.

It was from these shared trips that the plan for Photo Basecamp was formulated. There are photo travel sites, (sure!), gear and “how to” magazines also. Yet nothing out there really spoke to us, or answered the problem we constantly faced when researching travel with photography in mind. It’s often hard to find quality information and photos to show you exactly where and how those images had been captured.

We envisioned a site that helped photographers who travel to locations with limited time to maximize photo opportunities. Knowing where and how the shots were made gives you a huge advantage when traveling to a new location. But that’s just the beginning. Photo Basecamp focuses on adventure and discovery, creating a tool that doesn’t hinder the photographer’s exploration of a new location, but allows them to maximize their time, so that they can find new and exciting ways to capture amazing places with their own unique vision.

So that was how Photo Basecamp was born, a collaboration between two photographers, old friends, in different locations. Come with us on our adventures, and be inspired by the photos and locations to help spur you on to planning and dreaming about your next photo trip. See you out there!

Chris and Mike