Leica MP240 35mm Summilux 1.4 FLE at 1/40 sec f1.4 ISO1600


OK, I confess. This photo was a total accident! I know I shouldn’t let on and say it, but it was! Here is how it happened…

I was taking photos like all of the tourists of the erupting volcano in front of the Mirage Hotel (only in Vegas!) and whilst checking the histogram and exposure on the back of my camera screen I saw the reflection of this bike behind me!

I whipped around and saw this amazing character on the classic bike taking the the volcanic site with the rest of us. I had to get a photo. The lights turned green right after this, so I quickly framed, focused (manual focus only on the Leica) and took 2 shots one after another. Fingers crossed, I hoped one was in focus and l got the exposure right. With the bright background lights and the burst of light coming from the volcano I wasn’t sure how well it would hold up.

I was so happy to see it turned out when I downloaded the images and it quickly became my accidental shot of the day!


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