Leica MP240 35mm Summilux 1.4 FLE at 1/500sec f4 ISO800


At the end of the long and fun day in Hawaii I headed back to the hotel room to have a shower and get changed for dinner. After getting out of the shower and looking out my hotel window (which was on the 32nd floor!) I saw the most epic sunset!

So, I dressed, and ran!

Got to the beach right in time to capture this image as the sun dropped below the clouds. It created these amazing light rays that streamed across the sky. At first I imagined cropping in afterwards as I had just taken whatever lens was on the camera, the 35mm, in my hurry to get to the beach. But, what I really loved about this particular photo was the silhouettes of the vacationers and the surfers in the water. It summed up my day in Hawaii perfectly.

I ended up re-framing the image for this shot with the palm trees and the edge of the hotel in the background to give it more context and exposed it more for the highlights. But I love the amount of detail in the shadows that the Leica M was able to capture, giving me detail within the sand in the foreground and the buildings on the side.

Always be ready to run for a sunset! This was my Shot of the Day!


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