I love American diners! I think from growing up in Australia and moving to the US, they are a novelty to me. There is nothing like a true American diner Aussie equivalent. But it’s more than that. It has a real sense of nostalgia, a simpler time of hearty home cooked style food, cozy booths, friendly service where the waiter learns your name you’re your favorite dish, all add up to an experience that I love.
After moving to Los Angeles a close friend of mine at work took me to Bob’s for lunch. Its a classic diner located near the film and TV studios where I work. Built in the 1940’s, the decor is legit and even features a booth where the Beatles ate at after filming A Hard Days Night.
I took this photo shortly after I purchased my Leica M. I had taken photos at Bob’s before, but I really wanted to test out my new 35mm Summilux lens with its awesome 1.4 aperture and beautiful bokeh. I wanted to try and capture a cinematic look as that is the feeling I get eating in a location like this. I had been watching this family eating in the booth near us. They had such an “at home” feeling with the Mom sitting with her knees crossed and her daughter leaning forward to share some of her dessert. I sat the camera on the edge of our table as it was quite dark at this end of the restaurant and took just one image. I wanted to get the background in shot to show the environment around them. I cropped the image more narrowly than normal to help add to that cinematic aspect ratio.
I love the colors and lighting in this photo. The classic Leica look, which I was after, when I finally decided to splurge and purchase this crazily expensive but beautifully made camera, which has inspired me so much. Once editing this shot, I really felt I captured the feeling and knew this was my ‘shot of the day.
Look out for more future and more in-depth articles on Los Angeles diners and photographing classic cars where Bob’s is also featured. Coming Soon!