Leica MP240 35mm Summilux 1.4 FLE at 1/750sec f/1.4 ISO200


I love old houses. When my wife and I moved to Los Angeles we fell in love with the old Craftsman homes in Pasadena and Monrovia, and after a few years of living here, we were lucky enough to purchase a historically listed house.

Each year Monrovia, which is a small town around 20 minutes northeast of LA downtown, holds an old homes tour. One of the homes opened last year was the Anderson House which is very special. Owned by George Anderson, he was the sole occupant for almost 70 years and the house was filled with all the original furniture, clothes and items from all this time. It really felt like stepping into a time machine!

This photo to me really sells both the amazing color and range of the Leica M sensor along with the very delicate and beautiful way in which the 35mm Summilux lens captures and draws the light. (Read my review of this lens HERE). It has a very painterly feel to it and requires very little adjustment in Lightroom.

I cropped the image a little to remove some foreground elements that had been placed for the tour, and I love how this image sets a scene that is impossible to tell when it was taken.

This is my old house shot of the day.

