Almost 4 years ago Chris and I were driving around country Victoria, Australia. We were making the most of our short amount of time together as I was visiting from LA, and had a rare day where we had been able ditch our respective sets of parents, wives and kids to just take photos. It was somewhere along a dirt road that Photo Basecamp was born.

Our trip together last year to Japan really once again solidified our passion for photography and Tavel (and how much easier it is to do when you sometimes leave the rest of the family at home! We have plans for more.). But for us, it was also a chance to talk non-stop about the site and what we dreamt of doing with photography, rather than the less spontaneous stop-start online chats and skype calls.

Much has happened since then, especially in the last 8 months or so with Corona closing things down. Normally, the two of us would have been on multiple trips, taken thousands of photos and continued to write many articles and updates along the way. But like many things, the “new normal” put a stop to that.

Sadly, this has been reflected in the site – less has been written and updates have been much more sparse. Working from home has equal blessings and curses, and often we have both found ourselves working much later than normal and not having the time or drive after hours to always publish new content.

But, the conversations, plans and ideas hove continued non-stop. We have both continued to buy new gear, we have both done huge edits of the hundreds of thousands of images in our Lightroom catalogs, Chris has uploaded thousands of images to his already successful Stock image business, tripling his online presence. So, in a strange way, corona has been quite productive.

Photo Basecamp started as a travel photography site. But we naturally started talking more about the gear we use, and included reviews on some of our favorite items. But with the uncertainty of the world and the inability to travel, it feels like we can branch out a little more and talk more about some things that really matter to us photographically, like processing workflows, film and developing, stock images and making some money on the giant catalogs we are all sitting on – all stuff that when you think about it is natural extensions of the original goal.

We are excited to dive back in and hopefully update a lot more!
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